the face in the mirror

Even though I want an itty bitty picture to appear in my profile, I don't want this ginormous one in the posting, exposing my every flaw to the critical eyes of the world (or even the not-so-critical eyes of friends and family). That's why I panicked and subjected this picture to some vain and radical soft-focus editing in Photoshop. And then zapped all the color out of it. my blog-visiting acquaintances won't have to look at the moles, zits and crow's feet. Or all that pesky redness and uneven skin tone. Now, instead of presenting myself as God made me, I'm presenting myself as I often wish he had made me—all hazy and indistinct. As my 13-year-old daughter (who is infinitely wiser than me in these matters) would say, "Mom, you really need to remember who imagined you."
She's right, of course. What cause do I have to disapprove the face in the mirror? What right do I have to question God's creative license? None. Yet insecurity can be a willful and resilient my case a lifelong, wretched thorn. Of course other, stronger believers have struggled with similar patterns of sin. Consider Paul's words in his letter to the Romans:
Romans 7:24-25 (from The Message translation):
"I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different."
Thank you, Jesus, for setting things right when you went to the cross. Thank you for paying my sin-debt while I was still a sinner. Thank you for undertaking the hard, long work of sanctification, right here, right now, just as I am. Thank you for making me an all new creation, and thank you for enabling me to believe that beautiful truth...even if some days I only believe it a little bit.
Your grace and mercy are beyond my understanding. But you placed faith and hope in my heart from the moment I first believed. And because of that, I can keep trying to make peace with the face in the mirror and the unseeable, unfinished, inner woman it represents.
Hi Lisa, good to see you on Sunny's blog.I have seen you post on Louie's blog you may have see me there.I usually got on when there was something to pray for.I am encouraging the blog girls to pray for Louie and Shelley and staff after that attack.It must have hurt them but now everyone suffers.
What an adventure your son is going on. Although you will be worried as a mum, I am sure that you are very proud of him.
I live in Australia(you can check me out on my blog!!!)and my son is going to Passion 07 and I am crazy enough to go too as a volunteer. that is my mission trip!!!
You were smart to get your pic touched up at the photo shop but i am sure that you didn't need it.
Your bible verse reminds me of Matt Redman's "Father's Song.' I love that song. On the blog they tease me about Matt as i am pretty one eyed but they are all one eyed about Chris Tomlin!!
Hello again Lisa from Oz,It was good to receive a reply from you on my blog. I am not as great a writer as a lot of the bloggers, more a thinker and processor so I'll post other's thoughts that I like on my blog periodically. You are a good writer judging by your blog.
You must be just about all ready to with Eamon to Peru. What an adventure. Please tell Eamon, Lisa, that a family in far away Melbourne Australia are praying for him and the mission trip.
I always find it amazing that there is no distance with God and that we are all united in the same family, have the same Father, Saviour and same Spirit indwelling us.
May you both be deeply aware of His presence in you as you go on Sunday.
Love Gail AKA Blue (in case you wondered who they were talking about when they talk to Blue on the blog. I'll explain it later.)
Hey, Lisa, I was going to post this on Sunny's blog but didnt want to embarass you. They do tease each other a lot but as you are a new comer I'll be kind.
You know those pics they want you to post??? Well now, no taking them to the photoshop for touching up all the flaws!!! We want to see you in all your glory on this trip!!!!!
hey Lisa,
remember me??? how are you? like your pic! it is fun to put a face to the name hee! i like the verse!
and am praying for your great adventure!!!
Hi Lisa , Welcome back!! Do call over and give me a "report" about your adventure when you have the time. We are still praying for Eamon and the team.
I have been checking your blog quite regularly for a post Lisa but no joy. What a delightful surprise to hear from you today!!I am so glad that all went well and that Eamon really benefitted and grew in God.
We have been to other third world countries and it such an eye opener. We are so blessed. Australia is called "The Lucky County" and "The Land of Opportunity"
It certainly is and we are thankful for all we have.
We have to catch up about "The Father's Song" and your verse still!!!
I won't admit to being envious that you actually heard Mattie live. Is he a good communicator and tell me, how tall is he ?My husband is always ragging me about Matt's height and being a little guy!!Good things come on small packages EH???
Well Lisa , how come you seem to be the only person in the world who can see the clip on Louie's blog:)!!!
Rejoice with me Lisa. Our Christian radio station plays 3 songs in a row but only the middle one is a Christian one.They have just played for the 1st time" You Never Let Go " Matt doesn't seem to get played as they play current hits and not worship style music. I was in 7th heaven!!!! I must e=mail them and tell them what a great song that was.
Hi Lisa!
I'm glad you stopped over too! that is cool that you grew up there. nice to have you visit and yes a place as beautiful as Rocky mountian national park often just sets my heart praising God; it is such a tribute to His awesome creative power! :)
blessings ~
hiya lisa
i love your daughters wisdom Mom, you really need to remember who imagined you."
great post too. and so true. i soooo relate lol!
but i know that God rejoices over me with singing and loves me and created me, and i always remind myself that he made me in a way that he will like me and love me (not jsut cos he has to, but because he made me likeable and loveable to HIM!) and that gives me comfor tand peace :o)
bless you :o)
ps i also hang out at
and just did a opst yesterday or hte day befoer about true beauty :o) which i think u have in abundance!
ps your missions stuff looks awesome esp with your kids along for the adventure. good on ya mum!
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