lenten journey, day 36 — a prayer for intercessors

Are you a parent? An intercessor somewhere is praying for parents…that they would be wise, loving, and full of God’s infinite grace as they struggle to fit 25 hours of work into a 24-hour day. Are you a wife or husband? Someone is praying for God to strengthen marriages and redeem broken relationships for his glory. A believer? Someone is on their knees, weeping before the throne of God that believers might grow in faith and shine brightly in all the dark places of this world. Do you struggle with physical or emotional afflictions? Prayers of healing are bombarding Heaven on your behalf.
True intercessory prayer is a kind of living martyrdom. Intercessors have made themselves available 24/7 to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. They are soldiers who never retreat, even in the face of intense spiritual warfare. They are willing to agonize physically over the afflictions of others, fully sharing the pain and heartache of those they pray for.
And an intercessor will never, ever ask God to work through others if God is able to work through them. When an intercessor prays for victims of HIV/AIDS, they do so in full abandonment to God’s will, knowing that he may answer that prayer by calling them to minister at the bedside of a dying patient.
Is there any higher calling than intercessory prayer? Is there any more surrendered life? I am so very grateful for those who said “yes” to God when he called them to be intercessors.
I am even more grateful that we have the Great Intercessor—Jesus—pleading on our behalf before the Father, adding his “amen” to our petitions. Jesus died to save us, and now lives to mediate for us. Consider this amazing truth from 1 Timothy 2:5-6…
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.Wow. Just, wow. And thank you.
Father, in the name of Jesus our Great Intercessor, I ask you to richly bless all those who have answered the call to intercede for this fallen world. Give them a glorious glimpse of you as they pray, that they might be encouraged and lifted up, even as they bow low at your feet. Thank you, Jesus, that you are our living mediator. What an unspeakable privilege it is to have you on our side. Father, forgive me for the times when you have urged me to my knees and, like a petulant child, I have said “no” to you. Lord, make me a willing intercessor, attuned to the whispers of the Holy Spirit and fully obedient to you. Yes, and amen.
Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. — Hebrews 7:25
As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. — 1 Samuel 12:23a
This is a beautiful song about the power of intercession and tears wept on behalf of the lost. May it bless and encourage you in your own journey of prayer.
Let me be an itercessor for your kingdom. Far be it from I to sin against the Lord by not praying for those around me. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever.
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