lenten journey, day 40 —
a prayer for those who wait

And so we wait.
Because that’s what people do. After Jesus’s lifeless body was taken down from the cross, the disciples waited. They waited together, behind locked doors, sharing grief and fear and defeat, drowning in confusion.
Thomas waited, too. But he found no strength in numbers. His gnawing doubt and overwhelming heartache drove him to wait alone.
Mary Magdelene waited. Early Sunday morning she waited outside an empty tomb, weeping and grieving that the Jesus who had forgiven her and restored her dignity had been taken away—not only by death but, presumably, by grave robbers, as well.
And as they waited, something truly miraculous happened. Jesus came to them.
The disciples’ locked doors and fretful hearts couldn’t prevent the One who loved them most from appearing in their midst, bringing a message of peace and showing off the miracle of mortal wounds that could not keep the Son of God in the grave. Jesus came to them in the middle of their uncertainty. He showed up while they waited.
Thomas’s doubt and solitude couldn’t keep Jesus from coming to him, either. Although it took a bit longer. Thomas had to wait for a week, and even then, he couldn’t be sure that it was really Jesus. But Jesus, in his mercy, brought Thomas what he needed, when he needed it—tangible proof and a stern but loving message: “Stop doubting and believe.”
And what about Mary, who waited in weeping and anguish? When Jesus came to her, the depth of her sorrow prevented her from recognizing her Lord at first. But then he did something so astonishingly simple and beautiful that even Mary’s grief was not enough to blind her to his presence. He called her by name. “Mary.”
How are you waiting on the Lord right now? Do you wait in fear? He will come to you with a message of peace. Are you alone in your waiting, isolated by doubt? Don’t give up…he will strengthen you in his perfect timing. Do you wait with tears streaming down your face, blinded to his presence? Jesus will gently and beautifully make himself known.
And so, on this Saturday, we wait for the risen Lord. He will come. And when he does, what a celebration it will be!
Jesus, I wait for you in the middle of all life’s joys and storms. On mountaintops I wait, and in deep valleys, too. Help me to be patient in my waiting, certain of your coming. Help me to believe that you will show up at just the right time. And help me to be aware of your presence…because what good is the waiting if I’m too wrapped up in my circumstances to even know you’re there? You are a friend who is never far off. Thank you for that. You are a savior who brings peace and communion when I need it most. Thank you. You will come. And I will be waiting for you. Yes, and amen.
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning. — Psalm 130:5-6
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
— Jude 1:20-21
God, let me wait in peace. Help me to remember that when ou return, all will be made right. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.
Lisa what a great reminder that we need to be seeking & sensitive to His presence or of what use is the waiting? and that on both the mountaintops and the valleys, we need to wait on Him.
Thank You Lord that
You are never late
You are never early
that You are always
right on time.
Help us to wait, hope, and trust patiently on You Lord in every season, in every circumstance
Thank you for Your great faithfulness to us Lord! :)
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