summer peru project—part 1
As some of you may know, my 16-year-old son was on a mission in Peru for most of the summer, serving the Peruvian people and being discipled by an incredible team of college students. While there, he experienced a radical renovation of the heart and an amazing renewal of the mind. My husband and I each spent a week with the mission team, working alongside these faithful high school students and encouraging them as they advanced God's kingdom among the poorest of the poor in Peru.
Here are a few pictures from this remarkable adventure. I will post the more "touristy" photos tomorrow. :-)
The orphanage compound in Cienegilla, where the team did construction work for 3-4 hours each day. They helped build second-story additions on two buildings, and dug trenches for the foundation of a third building. Once completed, these additions will allow the orphanage to double the number of children cared for.
By the grace of God, this little guy will not be one of the 600,000 abandoned children living on the streets of Lima. At Mike and Chelene Kennedy's orphanage in Cienegilla, he is loved, well fed, educated, and taught about the Savior who gave His life so that all might be reconciled with the Father of the fatherless.
A work in progress! By the end of the summer, this addition was completely bricked in and plastered, and interior finish work was well underway.
My son digging trenches for the glory of God! A third orphanage building will eventually be built where he is digging.
The team distributed 2,000 Bibles to Quechuan villagers in the Huaraz region of the Andes. Here, schoolchildren gather to receive their Bibles.
Here are a few pictures from this remarkable adventure. I will post the more "touristy" photos tomorrow. :-)

What a great thing to do for God's kingdom, Eamon. I hope that you had a super time among all that hard work!!!
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