summer peru project—part 2
As promised, here is the "touristy" aspect of Eamon's mission in Peru. Eamon took most of these pix, but some were taken by my husband, Chris, who traveled on his own to Cusco and Machu Picchu after his time ministering with the team. The chance to see the Inca ruins and the stunning countryside surrounding them was the chance of a lifetime for these two history fanatics!
Eamon at Machu Picchu.
The team camped at the base of Huascaran, the highest tropical mountain in the world. Eamon's camera battery died right before the campout, so this is actually a photo from last year's mission to Peru. But you get the idea... :)
Psalm 121:1 (from The Message) "I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains."
Peru is a study in climatic diversity, from lush jungles to arid deserts to snowcapped mountains. Trivia: It hasn't rained in Lima for 50 years!
A Cusco-area market.

Wow, Lisa, awesome pictures from an awesome experience! God bless you and your family for being His hands and feet to all the world.
Amazing photos Lisa! Thanks for sharing them.
What great photos. Its such a different culture to anything I have seen or experinced. Thanks too for sharing it with us.Awesome mountains!!!
Love Gail
Yeah Mom, (I mean Lisa!), whoever took those pictures must be an excellent photographer and must have really enjoyed Peru...
Oh and Gail, I'd really like to take the time to thank you for all you have done for me and my family. My mom told me while I was in Peru that a family from Australia was praying for me. I thought it was the most amazing thing. I'd like to thank you so much for those prayers. Thanks in part to you, my experience was life-altering and amazing. I pray that our Father will bless your household. I love ou guys and thank you so much
Your brother in Christ,
Oh Eamon, that was so kind of you. It was a priviledge to pray to our Heavenly Father for you. I am so glad that you allowed him to work in and through you. Gail
wow Lisa! beautiful pictures and so glad to hear about the mission trip! thanks for sharing it with us!
Hope that you are doing well!
Kimmer :)
It seems like its been ages since I posted to Eamon but its only a week. Just calling by to say hi Lisa. It is a fabulous first day of Spring here in OZ and a great day to be alive. Thank You God.
I am going for a walk with a friend this afternoon. I am trying to get fit for Atlanta!!!It is supposed to be hectic at Passion!!!
Wow! Fantastic photos!
Hey Lisa!
I know you've been busy but just wanted to drop by and say Hello!
if you are a fan of Beth Moore, I was able to go to one of her conferences this summer and have posted some of the notes if you are interested.
blessings Lisa~
Hey Lisa,
Miss Casey says thanks for the compliment; heehee
hope you are having a great week
Kimmer :)
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