lenten journey, day 10 — a prayer for the helpless

God, I confess that I am helpless. By myself, I cannot control, manipulate, influence, change, transform, or sustain any aspect of my life or world. No amount of positive thinking, no self-help book, no counseling session can change the fact that I am not my own. I am yours and it is only by your grace that I have life and breath and sustenance. Lord, we are all so very helpless. Would you look with mercy upon those whose lives are shaking apart? Would you guide them in your ways as you heal their hearts and redeem their lives from the pit? Would you walk with us as we navigate this broken and painful world? In short, would you be God? Of course you will…that’s who you are. Yes, and amen.
“Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.”
— Psalm 10:12
”When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
— Matthew 9:36
Lord, we are helpless people. We are only here because of your mercy and grace. We are your miracles and I pray that you will help me carry out your will.
To be helpless. A feeling that I do not comprehend, yet I am. God, it is only by your hand that I am held together. You hold on to me and never let go. And even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. I am helpless but you are strong. Thank you God As the words of your prophet, Habakkuk, say, the Sovereign Lord is my strength, He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.
what a powerful post and so very true... I had to read your prayer several times and it is all so true.... so applicable...."God, I confess that I am helpless. By myself, I cannot control, manipulate, influence, change, transform, or sustain any aspect of my life or world. No amount of positive thinking, no self-help book, no counseling session can change the fact that I am not my own. I am yours and it is only by your grace that I have life and breath and sustenance. Lord, we are all so very helpless. Would you look with mercy upon those whose lives are shaking apart? Would you guide them in your ways as you heal their hearts and redeem their lives from the pit? Would you walk with us as we navigate this broken and painful world? In short, would you be God? Of course you will…that’s who you are. Yes, and amen."
Lisa, thank you so much for using your gift of writing, of expressing
and Thank You Father so much that you are God and for Your grace that does sustain us~
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