lenten journey, day 8 — a prayer for immigrants

The great commission in Matthew 28—“go and make disciples of all nations”—no longer involves traveling halfway around the world, trekking through mountains or jungles, or striving to earn the trust of people who don’t understand why Americans want to live in their midst.
God is bringing the nations to us.
Yesterday at work I met a dear young man named Slav. He and his wife are from Bosnia and have been in this country a very short time. He was eager to practice his English, and I was eager to hear about his life.
We talked for quite awhile about his 16-hour-a-day job, his desire to replicate his Bosnian astrophysics(!) degree at an American university, and the fact that today is his birthday. Then the conversation turned to faith (I am so going to be fired one of these days…). He said that he respects religion but that he is a man of science. I asked him if he thought a person had to choose between science and faith. Wasn’t there room for both in his life? He replied that faith—unlike science—is about feelings and cannot be proven. I pointed out that science cannot prove his feelings of love toward his wife, yet those feelings are very real and very powerful.
I could tell by his reaction that something was stirring in him. I gave him my number and the name of the amazing heart-for-the-nations church that our family is so blessed to be part of. A seed was sown in Slav’s life yesterday. What seeds would have been sown if he had stayed in Bosnia? The answer to that question is completely unknowable, but I feel certain that God has a purpose in bringing Slav to America.
God is bringing the nations to us. Now…what will we do about it?
God-of-the-Nations, in you there are no borders, no immigration policies, no language barriers, and no temporary work visas. You love your children, regardless of where they’re from or what language they speak. Father, would you forgive me for all the times I’ve thought unkind and inhospitable thoughts toward those who have been born elsewhere? Please show me ways to reach out to these “strangers in a strange land.” Please guide me as I seek to show your love to the nations right here in my own back yard. Yes, and amen.
”He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing. And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt.” — Deuteronomy 10:18-19
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. — Ephesians 2:19-20
Jehovah-Saboth, Lord of Hosts, help me to love the aliens as you do. They are your children, and they seek peace in this new land. Bring those who do not know our language to you through us. Let us speak with the passion of your love as the disciples on the day of Pentacost. Fill us with the spirit as we preach to the nations in our nation. Help them to see that you are truth and life and peace. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.
Excellent Lisa!
you have such a heart for ministering and God is answering your prayers bringing those who need to be ministered to you and granting you words and wisdom in your conversations... an unplanned conversation with a stranger... and seed planted for His glory! What a great reminder to ask the Lord to bring those who are seeking Him to us and to grant us 'divine appointments' with them, giving us wisdom to recognize such precious moments and the words He would have us to speak in them. I pray for Slav and his wife in particular today, that God would continue planting seed in their lives, giving them a hunger and a thirst for Him; that they would find Him as the one true Savior and satisfier of our souls!
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