lenten journey, day 1 – a prayer to love orphans

Although loved and cared for by very sweet people at her orphanage home outside Lima, Peru, she will never hear the story of the night she was born…or snuggle between her parents on a cold, rainy morning…or experience the fierce loyalty of an older brother.
I played with this baby. I discovered that pretending to punch myself in the face made her giggle uncontrollably. I changed her diaper, rocked her, and watched her little hands twitch as she drifted off to sleep.
God forgive me…I cannot remember her name.
Faithful Father, forgive me for loving your most helpless children so poorly. Help me to see orphans as you see them. Not as objects of short-lived pity. Not as snapshots in a mission-trip photo album. But as sons and daughters of the Most High God. Thank you, Father, that you see this precious little girl and delight over her and value her enough to send your own son to die for her. And thank you that you will never, ever forget her name. Father…please…teach me to love like that. Lead me to seek out ways to look after orphans in their distress. Yes, and Amen.
”A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” — Psalm 68:5
”Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” — James 1:27
awesome lisa - i'm praying for you and walking with you on this journey... may you know God's presence with each step.
Thank you Heavenly Father because this precious little girl is one of Your beloved children.
Lord I lift up to you the girls at Yangon Girl's Home Mynmar.Thank you for the people who are caring for them and loving them. May these children of Yours come to know You and Your Son Jesus.
Be the Father to the fatherless.
Thank you for focusing peoples hearts, minds and prayers on those that must journey without loving parents. I'm proud to take this spirual walk with you, and honored to be able to walk with you each day. I love you, Chris.
Defend the cause of the fatherless...Isaiah 1:17
Adoption is a journey. A journey into another land and into another life.
A journey deep into your own soul. A journey with God.
When we were called to adopt, we felt that God Himself was giving us just another glimpse of His incredible love for the world. The YEARNING to have your child home.
It must be exactly how God feels until we are safely home with Him.
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18
Lisa, I join with you in this prayer today. My niece travels to Africa frequently to serve at two orphanages there, and her sister is in the process of adopting one. Please pray for little Esther, that she can soon come home to a loving family that wants her very much.
In His love,
Hey Mum! I'm really excited to be doing this 'prayer fast' and will be praying along with you day after day. :) I remember hearing stories about these orphans when you got home from Peru and thinking how lucky I was. Being able to grow up in a loving household with you, dad, Eamon, and Clare at my side and encouraging me when I'm down has definetly helped me with my walk with Christ. It also gives me a strong sense that I have to do something for these children of God who unfortunatly do not have a family at their side. I will be praying for them all through lent and beyond, and can not wait until I get the chance to help them when I go to Peru.
Lisa, thank you so much for sharing the story of this little girl and your prayers with us.
two of my closest friends are back from 2 years working in an orphanage in uzbeckistan. they want very much to return but are prevented right now, but they have a longing and love for the children.
Father, thank you that you are a father to the fatherless! (Ps 27:10 even without a father and mother the Lord will take us in...) please draw these orphans to You and be the parents they need. Be more than enough. Please provide loving hands and hearts to care for them. and help us be sensitive to see how and when You would have us help in their lives.
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