lenten journey, day 4 — a prayer for the exploited

What you don’t see in this picture are children. But they’re there. Adolescent and teenage girls and boys—child prostitutes—kept out of sight for fear they will run away or attract police attention. Not that the police, who are routinely bribed with complimentary services, would do anything about it.
There are an estimated 2 million prostituted children in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. And that number will only increase as “sex tourism” becomes more popular. Yes, there are people who actually travel to areas tolerant of prostitution specifically to exploit children. And an estimated 25 percent of these “tourists” are American. What's more, an estimated 17,500 women and children are trafficked into the United States each year to satisfy the appetites of the wicked.
Is there hope for these exploited women and children? Is there rescue for them from this dark place of despair? Who will redeem them from the pit? Their only hope is El Roi, our loving "God Who Sees." May He place in me—in us—His vision for these "least of the least".
Oh, Lord. Could anything be more wicked than the exploitation of children and desperate women? Please be the God Who Sees and the God Who Saves for all those who are victims of unholy desires. Raise up men and women in the church who will go into the dark places to be the hands and feet of Jesus—the same Jesus who sought out victims and outcasts like these. Father, would you forgive me for turning a blind eye and refusing to acknowledge this wickedness because it is so unpleasant to think about? Would you create a desire in me to fight for this broken world on my knees? Please, God, redeem these lives from the pit and crown them with love and compassion. Yes, and amen.
“…They will know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them. They will no longer be plundered by the nations, nor will wild animals devour them. They will live in safety, and no one will make them afraid.” — Ezekiel 34:27-28
"He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’” — Matthew 25:45
God, strike down the serpent in all of us. Remind us that these unholy desires within us are not from your will. Give us the strength and courage to stand up against the evil in this world. In Jesus' name, I order you to get behind me Satan. God, make us stones against the storms of this life. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever.
thanks again for your thought provoking post. Yes it is hard to understand and breaks the heart for them. I loved how you brought out the name of God El Roi - the God who sees me...
Father be El Roi and the deliverer for the exploited~
Once again Lisa, iron. Just last night I read about the same exploitation in Cambodia and I am broken inside for a pandemic disease of sin in the form of slavery. Oh God, infinite Father of the fatherless, comforter of those who suffer, healer of the broken and Savior of the lost, redeem these women from pain, heartache, fear, despair, discouragement, bondage and chains of destruction. Be their saving grace, their Redeemer, their Prince of Peace and give them hope. And Lord, give me eyes to see and not turn away and give me a heart that not only beats for this cause, but a determination to not give up in their behalf and to do whatever you call me to do.
Press on, Lisa. By God's grace, press on.
Lisa, this image provokes such strong emotions, I want to share part of a song I wrote after Katrina.
Your promises don't fail
Your dying tore the veil
I can bow before You,
And You will hear my prayer
This world is hard to take
It can cause a heart to break
Images of misery,
And sadness everywhere
The one thing I have hope in now
Is that one day, every knee will bow
Before the Lamb
Before the King, the great I AM
All will soon proclaim
Your sovereign power, Your holy name
And every knee will bow
wow... I'm so lucky to have a loving family that provides for me and that I am not living in extreme poverty to the point that my family sells my body...I think of my little sister and how she doesn't know what a prostitute is. I can't imagine her being sold into it...
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